Once Upon a Celebration provides Princesses, Super Hero's, and Plush characters to entertain for half hour or hour birthday parties in NWI on Saturdays and Sundays. We provide many fun character theme activities including singing, dancing, story time,crafts, and games with prizes. We have entertained at thousands of events in NWI over the last 10 years!
How To Book Us For Your Event
Please email with the date, time, character or characters you are looking for, your phone number and address of the party. We usually check our emails after 7pm each evening.
*We will call or text to confirm with you 2 ot 3 days before the party and to get a head count of kids. If you do not call us back by the day before the party with a head count of kids your reservation will be canceled. We need at least one day to purchase supplies for the party.
If we have not responded to your email within 24 hours you can text us at 219-617-5647
We wish to express that it is not our intention to violate any copyright laws. The characters that we offer are NOT name brand copyrighted characters, and we make no attempt to market them as such. We are also not affiliated with any other character companies. Thank You for your business!
We are temporally closed down!